Emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities in 2023

Emerging cyber

The process of protecting data, electronic systems and networks against cyber-attacks. The circle of cyber security is very vast. It includes all aspects of ensuring the safety of citizens, busy and critical infrastructures from threats that occur from the use of computers, mobile phones, and Internet.

Developments and advancements in the field of technology and artificial intelligence have increased the rate of threats and vulnerabilities in 2023 as compared to previous years. The cyber security threats are expanding day by day with the passage of Time.

In March 2023 ENISA (European Union agency of cyber security) displayed the list of top emerging threats and vulnerabilities. In this article we are going to discuss some of those cyber security threats and vulnerabilities with remedies to overcome these challenges of cyber security.

There is a list of cyber security threats that are arising in 2023 is given below:

list of Cyber security
  • Threat of hackers
  • Threat of wicked and vicious insider
  • Threat of planned criminal community or class
  • Threat of terrorists
  • Threats of hostile territories or countries

1. Threat of hackers:

Hackers are the people who use different malicious plans to hack data of individuals, groups, companies, organizations or states and misuse that data for wicked plans. They know different techniques to do it.

One of the top artistry of hackers is social engineering that is made to attain human fault to gain access to personal information. They know different methods to capture passwords. They are well aware of different algorithms to produce different combinations using different signs, numeric, alphabets. Besides these there are different ways that hackers use. When a hacker succeeds to get access to your data or information he becomes able to expose your sensitive personal information to others, stealing your money, misusing your phone or CNIC number, or deleting or harming your worthy files. That’s why hackers are a very big threat to cyber security in the current year 2023.

2. Threat of wicked and vicious insider:

Cyber security

an organization, company or state there may be such persons who perform their duties hypocritically in the year 2023. Such persons may prove a big danger. It may be an employee, business associate of an organization having access to sensitive information and accounts.

Threat of insider may be in different forms.

  • Vicious insider who knows all secrets and sensitive information of an organization.
  • Negligent and irresponsible who intentionally who carelessly or ignorantly reveal the system to outside threats.
  • A scammer who is not the part of organization but has succeeded to get insider access.

3. Threat of planned criminal community or class:

One more threat to cyber security is pre planned activities by some criminal group, class, or community. These criminal groups plan spam, hacking and many such malicious plans to achieve the targeted goal. It may be in the form of online fraud, scamming, or hacking.

4. Threat of terrorists:

In the year 2023, there are many threats to cybersecurity but one of the major is cyber terrorism. Cyber terrorists may be of two types


Non state actors

For example

  • Cyber spies
  • Cyber thieves
  • Cyber warriors
  • Cyber activist
Cyber security

Cyber spies steal the information of private or government organizations to achieve financial or political goals.

Cyber thieves are involved in cyber-attacks for pecuniary gain. For example, stealing someone’s credit card number and stealing money.

Cyber warriors are agents who have gained a proper skilled, professional and trained education in information technology and have knowledge of how to get access to other information. But such people often misuse their knowledge, that’s why they are considered a threat.

Cyber activists do cyber-attacks only for the gain of pleasure, personal satisfaction, to degrade anyone personally or politically. For example, a person hacks someone’s computer to challenge his powers.

Cyber security vulnerabilities in 2023

Cyber security

Cyber security vulnerabilities mean flaws or weaknesses in computers, networks or software’s that can prove harmful for an individual, group, class, or state. These vulnerabilities may be in different forms, such as;

  • Weak passwords
  • Outdated or Unpatched Software
  • Lack of Encryption
  • Unprotected network configuration
  • Supply chain attack

Weak passwords:

As advancements in the field of technology and artificial intelligence are developing day by day, one should use secure and strong passwords to avoid unauthorized access to accounts or systems.

Outdated or Unpatched Software:

Outdated or Unpatched Software may also prove to be a vulnerability of cyber security in 2023. Therefore, systems and accounts should be updated properly at times.

Lack of Encryption:

Encryption is used for the protection of private, sensitive data and information. In other words if data is properly encrypted no unauthorized person or entity can access it.but if the data isn’t properly encrypted it may prove fatal and data may leak.

Unprotected network configuration:

Unprotected network configuration can also be harmful, because it provides opportunities to the attackers to get unauthorized access. So, safety is only possible if protected network configuration will be used.

Supply chain attack:

Supply chain system is also one of the major vulnerabilities to cyber security. Because there are many companies who use the same software and if one attacker succeeds to penetrate a company’s software then he may have easy access to the software’s and accounts of other companies too who are using the same software.

Poor data management:

Poor data management also leads to cyber security issue, If there is tidy storage and organization. The amount of data of an organization increases day by day and doubles every four years, that’s why more than half of data remains unanalyzed. Piles of such unanalyzed data leads to many ambiguities, which leaves data vulnerable to cyber security.


2023 has seen ransomware attacks against people, small companies, as well as bigger enterprises. There is no one immune to that emerging danger.

For best practices in securing IoT devices, ensure you update the firmware on such devices regularly, use unique password instead of using the devices’ standard passwords, and set up an isolation zone (Segment) for your IoT devices so attackers can’t get close to the

Yes, AI-powered threats impact businesses regardless of size? To strengthen your defences, small businesses need to spend on AI-powered security solutions.

Supply chain attack — cybercriminals exploit this approach to enter an organization through a reliable vendor and then get into the system and steal confidential information.

Yes… It’s one of those things that you need to consider. Employ stringent access measures, encryption, and continuous monitoring for the protection of your data in the cloud.

Work together with the pertinent agencies to assess risks, prepare for cyber-physical threats, implement protection mechanisms to secure critical infrastructure.


                 To sum up the discussion we can say that, cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities evolve with the passage of time, and if we talk about 2023, these have increased to much extent that seems beyond control due to amelioration in information technology and artificial intelligence. in order to avoid cyber security issues hardware and software should be updated at time properly, antivirus and anti-malware software should be installed, password should be set strong, and privatization of virtual private network.

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