How to Track Someone’s Location Using Facebook Messenger


Nowadays all these things are essential in the digital era, and on that note, even Facebook messenger has become very important for us. But did you ever known you could track someone’s location with one of those things? Let’s get one thing straight up in the air before we go deeper: I am writing this as an educational content, unauthorized surveillance can be against the law and the privacy policy. So, use these tools sensibly, morally. We will discuss about different methods of tracking the person location through Facebook messenger in this full tutorial.

Using Facebook Location Sharing

If you want to trace whose location via Facebook messenger, then one among the toughest manner is the usage of the constructed in location sharing function. Here’s how:

Enable Location Services

So, first make sure you and whoever you wish to track both do have Location Services turned ON in your smartphones.

Open Messenger

Open the Facebook Messenger application and tap on the conversation from the individual whom you wish to monitor.

Tap on Location

In the chat hit More (three horizontal dots) and Location . <>. This document contains information about accessing SRU-based records from the Web Junction Metadata Registry. It also includes examples of XML queries for.

Choose Share Live Location

Optionally, you’ll be able to share your live location for some time — 1 hour, all day, etc.), the length is up to you. Select the desired time frame.

Send: Then confirm the share with “send”.

Receive Updates

Your selected time period, over this time the person you’re tracking receives your location updates.

Third-Party Tracking Apps
However, if you want more advanced ways of tracking — then third-party tracking apps might just be what you need. These apps provide the added flexibility of tracking somebody’s location along with special abilities. But tread lightly and make sure your tracking is legitimate. Here’s how to use third-party apps.

Select a Reliable App

Select a reliable tracking app from you app store.

Install and Set Up: Install the application on your gadgets. Fill out the set-up steps as desired (some apps will require you to create an account.

Grant Permissions

Enable permissions such as location services and Messenger integration.

Add Contacts

After adding this person to the app according to its instructions, follow how to add a person as a contact.

Start Tracking

Start tracking the chosen contact inside the app. You should get the live whereabouts of them.


Facebook messenger’s geolocation feature is very accurate using GPS info from smartphones.

Actually, you must have given this data to Facebook Messenger. When anyone asks for your whereabouts you’ll get the notification.

Tracking someone without their permission can be in violation of privacy laws. Make sure to get consent before you engage in tracking someone.

To clarify things up — no, there is no hidden tracking feature on Facebook. Location sharing requires mutual consent.

When you suspect the tracking has been performed without your knowledge, take a look at which applications have your permissions and make sure to remove the ones you believe are not legitimate. Contact the authorities if necessary.

No, you can’t monitor an individual’s position and if the individual has turned off area administrations on the gadget?


It IS possible to track someone’s location using Facebook Messenger but only if both parties agree to it, and in an acceptable manner. Whether you’re using native geofencing or third-party tracking apps — think of the ethical concerns first. Do remember that in a digital world, privacy and consent come first.

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